• Rights
  • Receive kind, dignified and considerate treatment and considerate treatment by the Institution’s personnel without discrimination.

    Receive clear and timely information information about the administrative conditions, prior consent to be processed and requirements for the performance of exams. requirements for the performance of examinations.

    Receive preferential attention in the case of pregnant women, senior citizens 65 years of age and older, children under 2 years of age and people with disabilities.

    To accept or refuse to undergo the defined tests or procedures, except when their health or that of the community is at risk.

    To have means or channels of communication that allow them to express their needs, concerns and/or complaints.

    Receive confidential, reliable and timely results, according to our portfolio of services.

    To freely choose the physician or health professional with whom he/she feels safe for his/her care and to request a second option in case he/she considers it necessary.

    To be accompanied by a guardian to the procedure in the case of patients who are minors, people with disabilities and seniors 65 years of age and older.

    Define voluntarily whether or not to participate in clinical research conducted by scientifically qualified personnel.

  • Duties
  • Treat health personnel and other service users with kindness and respect.

    To present an identity document or prove their identification status in the case of being a foreigner.

    To fully comply with the preparation instructions and recommendations prior to the performance of diagnostic tests.

    Provide truthfully and completely the required clinical and administrative information required by the personnel administrative information required by the staff for your care.

    Respect the schedules and requirements established for medical attention, tests and delivery of results.

    To take care of their personal items and physical resources of the institution during their stay in the service.

    Comply with the recommendations provided by the health professionals after the service is rendered.

    Refrain from smoking and/or consuming alcoholic beverages in the facilities.

    Verify that your personal data, requested tests, sample collection sample collection containers and results match the procedure performed.